Reducing socioeconomic and health gaps amongst the most vulnerable populations of North Texas.

We believe progress is built from within the communities... We are a grassroots organization that believes the best way to engage with the communities is by educating, training and empowering members of the same community to take leadership roles. We focus on education, awareness, and information. These actions work best when they are not imposed from “outsiders”, but rather from their own community members that understand their culture, barriers, and fears.
The activities of Alliance for Progress are aimed to reduce socioeconomic and health gaps in the most vulnerable communities of North Texas by empowering those communities with key education and referrals to help them improve their quality of life and their chances to succeed.
We have created a Network of partnerships with institutions, government programs, community clinics, community colleges, and other non-profit organizations to help us provide linkage to Health Care, Social Services, Health Prevention, ESL Classes, Government Programs, Legal Counseling, and Continuing Education.

Alliance for Progress functions as the gate keeper that builds trust between communities and institutions
by organizing community events, health fairs, visits to churches, schools, and groups where the community has access to services, resources, education, and information.

In collaboration with Susan G. Komen. Viva! is the first Breast Cancer Prevention Program in Spanish in North Texas. We are proud to reach and link hundreds or women who are uninsured and underinsured to receive a sponsored Mammogram.

Our Network